point de rosée  

Calculer le point de rosée

Calculation of Dew point
  1. Enter air temperature.
  2. Enter relative humidity.
When humid air reaches the dew point condensation begins. Saturation pressure and partial pressure of the steam in the humid air equal when temperature equals the dew point. Mirrors in the bathroom go blind once their surface temperature is below the dew point. Pipes carrying cold water show condensate on their surface when surface temperature is below the dew point of the ambient air. Corrosion is the consequence. Mould formation on house walls is promoted by temperatures below the dew point.

point de rosée = f (Température, Humidité relative)
10% 25% 50% 75% 100%
10°C <1°C <1°C <1°C 5.8°C 10°C
20°C <1°C <1°C 9.3°C 15.4°C 20°C
30°C <1°C 7.8°C 18.4°C 25.1°C 30°C
40°C 2.6°C 16.2°C 27.6°C 34.7°C 40°C

Base du calcul Condensation sur la paroi extérieure du tuyau
Température ambiante ºC
Humidité relative %

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